What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is unique. It is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations. It is a society of like minded men drawn from all walks of life and religions, who meet for mutual friendship and promise to live by the Masonic principles of “brotherly love, relief and truth”, or put more simply “friendship, charity, and honesty”

Membership is open to men of full age of any religion, nationality or social standing. Members are expected to consider the interests of their families first but should also consider others less fortunate and to help those in need.

As mentioned, a fundamental part of Freemasonry is charity and masons in general raise considerable sums to help support Masonic and non Masonic charities and good causes at home and abroad.

Being a world-wide organisation members enjoy the friendship of other masons, and will be welcomed as a “brother” by masons all over the world.

As in any organisation, members only get out of freemasonry what they put into it. Most join only expecting to make new friends and acquaintances but soon realise that masonry is an absorbing hobby and quickly take up every opportunity to gain knowledge and an insight into its history and philosophy and an appreciation of its ancient rituals and symbolisms 

Freemasonry today has a different image to that of 25 years ago, when many people, through ignorance, thought it to be secretive and self centred. On the contrary, members are encouraged to speak openly about Freemasonry and the good works that it does.

For those who would like to know more about freemasonry might we suggest that you click on the links to the United Grand Lodge of England, where you can download a booklet in the ‘Becoming a Mason’ section, which contains a fascinating insight into Freemasonry.

Oakeswell Lodge